Legacy Cup FAQs

Can I bring my kids?

No. This event is 21+. Get a babysitter!

Are competition spots still open in the homegrown flower and solventless hash categories?

No 2023 homegrown is now closed.

If I buy a judging kit do I get entry to the sampling tent?

No, the sampling tent will have all the same samples as the judging kit, but will get them day-of, whereas the judges kits are received before the festival. Judges kits and Munchie Mayhem (sampling) tickets are both VIP tickets and will receive a gift bag with swag and products and access to the VIP tent in the Sesh Lounge.

I am an artist and would like to participate in the live art installations. Can I participate? 

Yes! Please send an email to info.legacycup@gmail.com about participating.

Will people be allowed to consume cannabis at the event?

Yes! Bring your homegrown flower and hash to consume in the sesh lounge area!

Can I buy tickets at the door?

Maybe! However this event is likely to sell out in advance.

Can I be a Judge?

The expert judges have been selected, however, judging kits are available for purchase. Snag yours before they are sold out. 

Will there by free weed and hash at the event?

No. However, this community is generous so go make some new friends at the Cup!

Can I buy weed and hash at the event? 

No, flower and hash sales are not yet permitted in Minnesota. You can, however, purchase THC (edibles and beverages) and CBD products.

Can I bring my own flower & Glass?

Yes, please do!

How do I enter the Ganja Games?

Go to the homepage and scroll down to the games. There is a button to fill out the form to participate. Be sure to bring your own flower/glass! 

What items can I bring?

  • Bring your own water bottles for refilling water at the water station
  • Picnic Blanket
  • Bongs/Pipes
  • Backpack or bag

Can I buy beer or liquor at the Cup?

No, this event will be alcohol free.

Can I leave and come back?

Yes! Re-entry will be allowed.

What items am I not allowed to bring?

  • Coolers
  • Wagons
  • Chairs
  • Guns, Knives, Weapons of any kind
  • Alcohol
  • Illegal drugs

What do I do if I consume too much THC at the event?

CBD is helpful in reducing the overwhelming effects of overconsumption. We encourage you to see the Education tent for assistance.

What if I have a medical emergency? 

We will have a medic on site near the far-right exit. If you or someone near you is experiencing a medical emergency please flag down a staff member who will walkie-talkie the medic for fastest response. 

What is the parking situation like? 

There will be little-to-no parking available at Surly Festival Field. Please consider taking a ride share (Uber/Lyft), the train, or bus to the Prospect Park stop, which is less than half a mile from Surly.

Is there motorcycle and bike parking?

Yes, there will be bicycle and motorcycle parking near the entrance.

Do you have questions that aren't found here?

Send us a message at info.legacycup@gmail.com

What are the rules on possessing, consuming, and gifting cannabis?

The law allows for the possession, consumption, and GIFTING of flower and solventless hash. Possession limit is 2oz of flower and 8g of concentrate.  Samples cannot be more than 1g in weight.

No cannabis flower or solventless hash can be sold. You are not able to gift clones.